Welcome To Mates’ Blog, Your Source For All Things Celebrity Branding

We at Mates are excited.

We’re excited to become the pioneering thought leader regarding celebrities and their relationships with their followings. We’re excited to share the inside scoop on brands’ marketing and advertising initiatives. Mates is the first company that has ever allowed celebrities and their communities to come together and create magic – and we’re excited to bring this perspective to our blog.

Mates was born out of the idea of the “Virtuous Circle,” where celebrities, their followers, and shareholders are partners in building a brand. The mystery behind building a celebrity business will be no more because Mates will soon allow a celebrity’s community to back these brands and be a part of the team – a part of the magic.

We are the first company to democratize celebrity brands and make them accessible to their followers. No longer are fans merely consumers of a product; they have the opportunity to feel and be a part of the brand from its early stages.

from left to right, images of Kate Hudson, Vanessa Hudgens, and Venus Williams featured as Mates' new partners.
Our latest Mates-Kate Hudson, Vanessa Hudgens & Venus Williams

Within Mates’ blog posts, we’ll be providing information on marketing tactics from the pros, case studies on celebrities and their businesses, and new techniques for building a company from the ground up. We’ll give insight into the world of celebrity, coupled with behind-the-scenes info on how you can be an integral part of an up-and-coming brand.

Mates looks forward to fostering the relationships between celebrities and their communities. Celebrities know they are empowered by their following, and Mates allows them to empower their community in return.

What excites us most is the reciprocal empowerment between celebrity and community, because that is where the real magic happens.

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